



We can always share whatever we have read with our family, friends and colleagues. All this increases our ability to socialize. Humans are social beings and in the world of smartphones, we are losing our ability to socialize. However, reading had led to the formation of book clubs and other forums where we get a chance to share and interact with others.


Improves creativity

Improves creativity

The biggest difference between reading and watching television is that reading gives you the scope to unleash your creativity. The more you read, the more you learn new things. New thoughts always stretch our minds to rediscover life in new and better ways. We start to see the world in a different way and this way we find new creative solutions.


Learn at your own pace

Learn at your own pace

Another benefit of reading a book is that you learn at your own pace. Since you have the book all the time, you can always go back to a section you feel you don’t understand. You can re-read a chapter as many times as you wish, without worry that you will miss out a section. If it’s a self-help book, you can tackle one issue at a time. Once you handle one problem, then you can move to the next issue whenever you feel you’re ready. Everything is done at your own pace and most importantly, your mind is free to interpret things the way you feel.


Lots of choices to choose from

Lots of choices to choose from

There are so many great books to read that you will never finish them all in a lifetime. Books have been written for centuries, right now, someone is writing a book, and in the future, books will still be written. Whether you’re looking for something to inspire you, something to make you laugh, romance or even gaining a new skill, there are countless books for that. All you need is to take some time and pick which one to read. There will never be a shortage of great books.


Improves morals

Improves morals

Books help us better discern good ideas from bad ideas. Reading a book allows us to learn about different approaches to life and the problems we face. By doing this, you get an opportunity to discern what has worked in the past and what has not worked. Basically, you learn to make better decisions in life.


Learn about your history

Learn about your history

History plays an important role is who we are today. By reading books, we get a better understanding of the past and how it continues to affect us. With books, you get a chance to learn about your country, family and the world in general. It’s a great way to revisit your past and appreciate the present.


Save money

Save money

Apart from being inexpensive, you will also save a lot of money by reading books. Books don’t require electricity, neither do they need any form of maintenance. When you read a book on a certain skill, such as cooking, woodwork, or simple DIY tasks, you save yourself the money you would have used to hire a contractor. You not only learn new skills, but also save yourself a lot of expenses.


No side effects of the digital world

No side effects of the digital world

Spending too much time watching television or playing video games can affect your eye health in the long run. On the other hand, books are safe and easy. No one has ever gone blind from reading too many books. There are no known side effects or dangers of reading great books. All there is are benefits.


Makes you smarter

Makes you smarter

With so much to learn from books, people who read regularly tend to be smarter than those who don’t. They tend to have an open mind and are more aware of their surroundings.


Books are better than movies

Books are better than movies

So many movies have been adapted from books. But, if you read a book and then watch its movie, you will agree that the book is 100 times better than the movie. There is always that unique part, like what a character is thinking, that a movie can never capture.


Gives knowledge

Gives knowledge

One of the biggest reasons why we read books is to gain knowledge. Books are a rich source of information. Reading books on varied subjects imparts information and increases the depth about the subject as well. Whenever you read a book, you learn a new information that otherwise would not have known.


Improves your brain

Improves your brain

Studies have shown that reading has strong positive effects on the brain. By staying mentally stimulated, you can prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. This is because, keeping your brain active prevents it from losing power. The brain is a muscle and like other muscles in the body, exercise keeps it strong and healthy. Similar to solving puzzles, reading books is a great way to exercise your brain and keep it healthy.


Reduces stress

Reduces stress

Reading has a positive effect on the body as well. Reading a book can relieve stress better than taking a walk or listening to music. According to studies who read more tend to have lower stress levels.


Improves memory

Improves memory

Every time you read a book, you have to remember the setting of the book, the characters, their backgrounds, their history, their personalities, the sub-plots and so much more. As your brain learns to remember all this, your memory becomes better. What’s more, with every new memory you create, you create new pathways and this strengthens the existing ones.


Improves imagination

Improves imagination

The more you read, the more imaginative you become. Whenever you read a fiction book, it takes you another world. In the new world, your imagination works at its best as you try to see things in your own mind.


Develops critical thinking skills

Develops critical thinking skills

One of the primary benefits of reading books is its ability to develop critical thinking skills. For example, reading a mystery novel sharpens your mind. Critical thinking skills are crucial when it comes to making important day to day decisions. Reading requires an individual to think and process information in a way that watching television can’t. The more you read, the deeper your understanding becomes about what you’re reading and its application.


Builds vocabulary

Builds vocabulary

Reading improves your vocabulary and command on the language. As you read, you come across new words, idioms, new words, phrases and writing styles.


Improves writing skills

Improves writing skills

Reading a well-written book affects your ability to become a better writer. Just like artists influence others, so do writers. Many successful authors gained their expertise by reading the works of others. So, if you want to become a better writer, start by learning from previous masters.


Improves communication skills

Improves communication skills

Improving your vocabulary and writing skills goes hand in hand with developing your communication skills. The more you read and write, the better you communicate. Increasing your ability to communicate, improves your relationships and even makes you a better employee or student.


Improves focus and concentration

Improves focus and concentration

In our busy lifestyles, our attention is drawn in different directions each day as we try to multi-task through each day. For example, you may find yourself dividing your time between working on a task, chatting with people via Skype, checking email, keeping an eye on Facebook and interacting with your colleagues. All this multi-tasking can lead to high stress level and low productivity. When you read a book, all your attention is focused on what you’re reading. Your eyes and thoughts are immersed in the details of the story. This improves your concentration and focus. Read a book at least 20 minutes a day, and you will be amazed at how much more focused you will be.