Lighthouse International school Phuket

Lighthouse International School: A Beacon of Education Excellence Expands with a New Campus in Rawai

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, there are institutions that stand out, not only for their commitment to academic excellence but also for their vision of nurturing young minds. Lighthouse International School is one such institution, and it’s about to embark on an exciting journey with the construction of its new campus in Rawai, set to be completed in March 2024.

The Foundation of Progress:
As we drive past Rawai, a remarkable sight catches our attention – the impressive new campus of Lighthouse International School Phuket is taking shape. The foundation is firmly in place, and the walls are rising steadily, promising a bright future for students seeking a holistic education.

State-of-the-Art Facilities:
What sets this new campus apart is its dedication to providing students with the best resources. The heart of the campus will house a fully equipped laboratory, enabling students to explore and experiment, fostering a love for science. The library will be a treasure trove of knowledge, fostering a love for literature and research. And, of course, the canteen will provide nutritious meals to fuel the eager minds of the students.

Location Perfection:
One of the highlights of the new campus is its prime location, right next to Youtopia. For those seeking adventure, Youtopia offers world-class skateboarding facilities that will thrill adrenaline enthusiasts. For the younger ones, there’s a playground designed to cater to their specific needs, ensuring a well-rounded experience for all age groups.

Passionate, Qualified Teachers:
What truly makes International School Phuket shine is its dedicated team of educators. The teachers are not only excited about the prospect of moving to this new location but are also fully qualified and passionate about nurturing the potential of every student. Their enthusiasm is contagious and promises an engaging and inspiring learning environment.

As Lighthouse International School’s new campus in Rawai continues to take shape, we can’t help but feel excited about the possibilities it holds for the students of today and tomorrow. With its commitment to academic excellence, state-of-the-art facilities, and a location that offers both adventure and serenity, this expansion promises to be a beacon of educational excellence in the region. March 2024 can’t come soon enough for the students and staff eagerly awaiting the doors of this new campus to open, ushering in a new era of learning and growth.