childrens day lighthouse phuket thailand

Lighthouse Children’s Day – Phuket Thailand

Thailand’s National Children’s Day falls on the second Saturday of January. It’s a day spent honoring and cherishing the country’s youth. As the future of the nation, this day also serves as a reminder of the country’s commitment to ensuring children’s well-being and happiness.

On January 12, 2024, Lighthouse International School held an early Children’s Day event with students from Grades 1 to 6. The kids’ activity was to come up with a poster showing what they were grateful for in their lives. The students were all too eager to put their artistic talents on display. Using their trusty art supplies and relying on their creativity, their posters soon became reflections of the things and people they hold dearest to their hearts.

Students from each grade level were then invited to come up and share their posters with the school, as well as to talk about what they’re thankful for. Surrounded by bright colors and artistic drawings, students reveal their gratitude for their families, friends, and homes. They also talked about their appreciation for nature, clean water, money for  buying the things they need, being able to play with their friends at parks and playgrounds, their sports (like football), games (the ever-popular Minecraft), and of course, their school. 

This event was an opportunity for Lighthouse International School’s students’ creative skills to shine through and an opportunity for the school to nurture gratitude within their hearts. A grateful child is a ray of sunshine, leading to a brighter future for the country.