Secondary Video Tour

Informative school by CEO & Founder

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Welcome to Lighthouse International School I’m Dan Skitch the director and I want the absolute best for my kids who go here and your kids who are looking to call this place home here we have our secondary campus where we help kids from year 7 to year 13 we help them with their education with their academics but also helping them with their emotional intelligence we want children to be the absolute best that they can be whether they go to university after or they choose to have a business or they choose to do something else with their lives we want to give them the absolute best that we can we’re going to do a bit of a tour today where we’re going to look at our it our Administration the classrooms and where the kids eat their lunch and where they play and where they do some of their activities here we have our uniform shop and you can take a look at that the kids have a a nice uniform easy for them to get around to do what they need to do at school but also so Sports and all kinds of different things like

that here we have security and a secure way the kids can get in and get out and so that we can track when they’re coming in and when they’re leaving so that we can communicate to the parents when their kids are at school and when they’re not at school if you look to the right we have our IT area this is also used as a classroom for our kids. We do use devices sometimes the kids have computers where they do some of their work when they have to do things like that we believe that children are going to need to use the different technologies that are available to them so although we don’t encourage our children to use something like chat GPT to do their essays we do encourage our kids to use AI like Chat PT in order to structure their essays to look for examples and to see how they can better understand what they need to do through things like that so we help them with prompts and how to pose the questions to AI so they can use it to facilitate their learning over here you’ll see our admin [Music] office here we have admin we have our

infirmary in case the children get sick in any way and then we also have our principal offices where we have our academic coordinator and and also our head of [Music] secondary as we moved through the school we wanted this place to be somewhere where inside the classroom the kids have access to technology access to everything they need to help their learning but on the outside we want it to be a tranquil place where they can come and feel comfortable so we tried to have Resort style outside and learning

on the inside and that’s I believe what we’ve accomplished here at at [Music] Lighthouse as we move you can see our cafeteria you can see an outside eating area and also an area where we can do presentations and different things on the outside inside we have our eating area so here we’re serving the kids breakfast today it’s pancakes tomorrow it might be a different dish [Music] so ah we try to have a healthy mix of good food foods that the kids like um we did a survey of the kids and 85% of kids

said they liked or like very much the food that we serve um there was only a few that said actually 2% that said they don’t like it and if you know School menus if you know children at all those are very good very good numbers so here we have an outside area where the kids can eat and where we also do presentations for the parents so when we have parent events we do it here outside sometimes sometimes we also do it in an indoor area that I’ll be showing you a little bit later as we look over here we

have our classroom block and the children’s washrooms so as we go down here we we have six classrooms and we also have a science lab that we’re going to take a look at so we’re going to walk down here look at the [Music] classrooms so here are some of our classrooms with the kids learning [Music] and in the classrooms the teachers have access to everything they might need we have displays the children can do different things like [Music] this as we move a little bit further down two more classrooms along here we

have a female student washroom and also the male student washroom here we have some green space for the kids to play football or for us to do some sports and if you look over the wall we also have another five ride over there that we can build where we’re going to continue to build the school so that’s projected to be done 2026 we will have more buildings another 30 classrooms or so we’ll have a football pitch pool and everything else that we might need um as an International School [Music] as we continue to look around the school

we see that the kids are happy they like to do their work the teachers are great we’re going to take a quick look in our science lab this is where we spared no expense we have the top-of-the line science equipment for the children we want to be a stem focused school where kids can do great at their math their science their engineering and Mathematics we also want to focus on business so if you look at us as a school look at us as a school that Focus Fus is on stem focuses on business we want the children to be able to do

anything when they leave here whether that’s University whether it’s starting their own business we’re not preparing them for 20 years ago we’re not preparing them for right now we’re preparing them for 2030 when they graduate or the 2032 or 2029 we’re looking at helping our kids be ready for today and the environment and the global economy that they’re going to be part of when they leave Lighthouse so here’s our science lab here is our our grade 12 students again you’ll see that we have small class sizes and um giving our

teachers the ability to do great things with everything that they [Music] do so that’s phase one of lios international school as we move forward we’re going to be adding a kindergarten in grades 1 through 6 currently we’re grades 7 to 12 we also also have the primary school about 5 minutes from here and a kindergarten going in right next door another kindergarten in chalong so right now we’re grade 7 to 12 and we’re looking at expanding that right from kindergarten to grade 12 within the next 2 years we have the extra space that we

need another five Rye of land that we’re going to be developing so that we can be a fully inclusive International schol [Music] part of our school is Utopia ride and play we’re the only School in CET it has a a pump track in an Adventure park for the kids to play on during their time during their breaks and even after school so you can take a look in here it’s a place for them to eat a place for them to unwind a place for them to come before and after school and it’s also a community center that we have here in

Rai that brings everyone together [Music] so this is Utopia Cafe where the kids have access to everything here they have good food they have gelato which kids always need and they have smiling wonderful people to help them throughout their day [Music] so here we’re able to the kids come here during breaks and lunch and after school lots of places for them to sit lots of fun for them outdoors in Utopia we also have an English language program so we believe that we need to have students that speak English wonderfully in the

class we can’t have classes that have 10 students that speak English and 10 students that do not speak English so all of the kids in our classes will be able to speak English children that do need extra help will come here to the English language room so that they can get help with their English and some of them with their math as well outside the kids have a great place to unwind one thing we do at our school is the children are not allowed to have phones during the school day this is a big change from other schools but we

feel it’s so important children learn to play together to have relationships and to build real relationships with their friends and with those around them we want them to be able to interact in person not just on their phones and in Virtual space so we do give them that opportunity to be here to play to ride on the pump track to learn to skateboard to learn to ride their bikes kids are so much better and build such better relation ship when they’re doing something fun this space gives them a place to do something fun to build real

relationships and not just be on their phones and different things like that so at lighthouse we want to build well-rounded children we have the great academics the wonderful teachers we also have the place where the kids can come and have fun without their phones we think that’s so important in today’s day and age that kids are learning to interact without phones without the internet right beside them all the time so we give them a place to do that where they can come with their friends have a good time learn to

interact but also have the wonderful academics and the high standards that they need to pursue whatever it is they decide to pursue when they leave lighthouse

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