Enrolment Form – Primary Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. – Step 1 of 10For children enroling in the Primary School Grade 1 to 6 (ages 5-10) [Secondary School Enrolment].Schedule a tour here. Make an enquiry here. For students aged 1-5 years who want to go to Kindergarten Nursery, please Enrol Here.STUDENT'S DETAIL FOR ENROLMENTFirst Name *Preferred NameLast Name *ReligionDate of Birth *Grade LevelPassport Number *Gender *MaleFemalePlace of IssueStudent Passport Photo(within the last 3 months)Expiry DateIntended Starting Date School YearEnd DateNextPREVIOUS SCHOOL(S)Name of SchoolName of SchoolDate Attended – LeftDate Attended – LeftYear/GradeYear/GradeBackNextACADEMICFavorite subject(s)Most Successful Subject(s)Weakest Subject(s)FIRST LanguageLanguage Spoken at homeOther LanguagesHas your child ever been placed in a class above or below his/her chronological age?NoYesHas your child ever attended special class because of an exceptional talent?NoYesHas your child ever been seen by an Educational Psychologist/Occupational Therapist/Psychiatrist/Counselor/ Speech Therapist/Other Soecialist?NoYesHas your child ever received any special help or ever attended special classes for any learning, social, emotional or behavioral difficulties?NoYesPlease list your child's skills/interests/talents/school award received.(e.g. sport/music/membership of clubs).BackNextMEDICAL NEEDSPlease mention any medical condition that might affect your child's life at school (e.g. allergies).Is your child on any prescription drugs? If yes, please indicatePlease indicate any information, which might affect your child's performance in the classroom during Physical Education.BackNextPARENTS' DETAILSFather's NameHome AddressEmailThai Mobile NumberForeign Mobile NumberMother's NameHome AddressEmailThai Mobile NumberForeign Mobile NumberBackNextFURTHER INFORMATIONOther Household Member:Name RelationshipAgeEmergency Contacts (please list two emergency contacts):NameTelephone/MobileRelationshipNameTelephone/MobileRelationshipPerson(s) authorized to pick up my child (besides parents)NameNameRelationshipMobileRelationshipMobileBackNextFURTHERPlease indicate, why you chose Lighthouse International School for your child?FacilitiesCurriculum LocationRecommendationStandardsPhilosophyOtherWill you allow your telephone/mobile number to be given to other Lighthouse parents or teachers?YesNoAsk Me FirstBackNextREFERRALHow did you hear about Lighthouse International School?Lighthouse Parent or StaffFriendAdvertisementWebsiteIf Lighthouse Parents or Staff, fill out the reference information belowParent/ Guardian/ Staff NameRelationship to StudentContact InformationEmail and/or PhoneBackNextEMERGENCYIf your child has to be taken to the hospital, please indicate, which hospital you prefer/have health insurance coveragePhuket International HospitalBangkok HospitalDibuk HospitalMission HospitalOtherCommentsBackNextPOLICIES AND PROCEDURESBy signing below, I understand and agree to the following; INSURANCE I understand that Lighthouse’s Student Group Insurance is compulsory and required for my child to attend Lighthouse International School and that it can only cover a maximum amount of 10,000 baht per incident, and only while at school, per child, and any additional costs have to be paid by parents. I understand that I will not hold the school, teacher, the staff, volunteer, or director responsible for any injury, even the student’s death while at school or while involved in a school activity. The Insurance can only cover or be used two weeks after the payment. (We, therefore, suggest getting personal health and accident insurance for your child.) BILLING PROCEDURES I understand that the fees are payable in advance either annually, semester, or termly throughout the year. If my child is leaving indefinitely, I understand that any school term that has been undertaken must be paid in full, not an amount proportional to the number of days attended. I understand that all invoices will be sent every 1st and 15th of the month and all payments must be made by 4 pm at the latest on the 29th of the month. WITHDRAWAL AND REFUND POLICY The school will refund tuition and other fees to parents and/or students under the following conditions: Term 1: Written withdrawal notice must be submitted 90 days before the first day of Term 1. Term 2, 3, and 4: Written withdrawal notice must be submitted 45 days before the first day of each term. Refunds are processed at the end of the school year. NON-REFUNDABLE FEES Annual Fee, Registration Fee, Assessment Fee, Insurance Fee, After-School Activities Payment, Uniform Fees. LATE PAYMENT Every 14th & last day of each month marks the last day of payment. If invoices are not paid within that time frame, late payments will incur a “200 THB/ late day fee” for every late payment past the due date. LATE PICK-UPS Students are to be dropped off no later than 8:15 AM. Teachers and support staff will supervise students from 8 AM – 4 PM. If students are picked up after 4:00 PM, there will be a 200 Thai Baht fee; 50 THB per succeeding times. SCHOOL SCHEDULE The school welcomes children from 08:00; assembly time is at 08:20 with classes starting at 08:30. The last class finishes at 14:40. Please pick up your child/children by 15:00 unless they are partaking in after-school activities; the cost of these activities will be available and vary from class to class. UNIFORM POLICY Students must wear their uniform daily; if they do not, a new uniform will be given to the students, which will be included in the following month’s invoice FIELD TRIPS AND INJURY LIABILITY I understand that children will go on field trips outside of the school. I authorize the school, teachers and volunteers to bring my child to different excursions and events. I agree that the school, directors, teachers and volunteers will not be held liable for any injury, even death of my child in the event of an accident, or negligence on the part of the school. DAMAGE OF PROPERTY POLICY I understand that if my child damages/vandalises/defaces school property will be held responsible for their actions. My child will be subjected to disciplinary actions, including the possibility of being fined, suspended, or excluded from school activities, but not limited to the graduation ceremony. PHOTO CONSENT CLAUSE: I hereby consent to and authorize Lighthouse International School to use photographs of my child,for promotional purposes. These photographs may be used in print materials, on the school’s website, and on official social media accounts. I understand that these photographs may be viewed by the general public.Please indicate your preference below: *I give consent for my child’s photos to be used on the school’s social media accounts.I do not give consent for my child’s photos to be used on the school’s social media accounts.Full Name *Relationship to the Child *Signature *Date *Submit