Grade 9-10 Curriculum
High School Upper Program – Ages 14-15
Personalized learning and mixed-age classes with continuous assessment of progress leading to a Thailand MOE high school Diploma through Lighthouse International School and an Alberta high school diploma through Hope Christian School which is a part of the the Prairie Land District in Alberta. Canada consistently ranks among the top three countries for education worldwide. Holistic, high-standard education is perfectly adapted to the new internet-driven world, focusing on a passion for learning, project work, problem-solving, and collaboration.
Grade 9 – Junior High (Lower Secondary)
Grade 9 – English Language Arts
Development of language and communication skills and experience success in ELA! Grade 9 students examine ideas, experiences and information from points of view that differ from their own. They discuss how different people take away different meanings from the same material. Using different sources of information, they continue to develop their own opinions and impressions.
Grade 9 – Mathematics
Working with powers and polynomials. Students will solve problems involving powers and apply the order of operations, including exponents. They will solve problems involving operations on positive and negative fractions and decimals, and understand square roots of positive numbers. They will model and solve problems using linear equations and linear inequalities in one variable. They will also be introduced to polynomials and solve problems involving circle geometry and scale diagrams. .
Grade 9 – Physical Education (PE)
Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate movement activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual activities and activities in an alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor pursuits. They will understand, experience and appreciate the health benefits that result from physical activity and interact positively for example with fair play.
Grade 9 – Science
Students will learn to appreciate the world and the species humans coexist with. They will discover how various materials interact with each other to produce various results, how many of the devices they enjoy on a daily basis are powered, and humanity’s neverending interest in space. The course is an avenue for the students to conduct scientific inquiries as well as to understand how ideas are born from diverse perspectives and backgrounds.
Grade 9 – Social Studies
How do our government and economy work? How do they affect me? Grade 9 Social Studies focuses on citizenship, identity and quality of life. Students will examine the relationships between Canada’s political and legislative processes, and they’ll examine the impact of these processes on governance, rights, citizenship and identity. Students will also explore issues of economics and their impact on quality of life, citizenship and identity in Canada and the United States.
Grade 9 – Thai Language
The Thai language programme will follow the standards of the Ministry of Education (MOE). Students have access to resources used in Thai schools as well as teacher created materials. The extended curriculum includes Art
Our program is modeled after the Alberta Education program offered through Hope Christian School – interested to learn more, please follow this link: More information
Grade 10 – High School
Grade 10 (parts 1 & 2) – English Language Arts
Explore literature and develop strong communication skills. In ELA 10-1, students analyze and respond to literature, including extended texts (a novel/nonfiction book, a feature film and a modern or Shakespearean play) and shorter texts (poetry, short stories, visuals and multimedia, and essays) that relate to cultural and societal issues in Canadian and global contexts. They also create their own texts; e.g., fiction, nonfiction, poetry, presentations/media. This course is for students considering careers that require strong reading and communication skills and for those who may be interested in post-secondary education.
Study material students are comfortable with and communicate well with others. In ELA 10-2, students with diverse abilities and goals study different types of texts, written at various levels, that explore issues in Canadian and global contexts. They study extended texts (a novel or nonfiction book, a feature film, and a modern or Shakespearean play) and shorter texts (poetry, short stories, visuals and multimedia, and popular nonfiction). Students are also encouraged to create their own texts; e.g., fiction, nonfiction and reports, poetry, and presentations/media. Material will often have daily life or practical applications for students. This course is designed for students considering careers that require basic reading and communication skills and for those interested in a range of post-secondary education or other opportunities.
Knowledge and Employability English Language Arts 10-4: I want to develop language skills that will help me succeed. In Knowledge and Employability ELA 10-4, students who have experienced challenges or difficulty with their skills in ELA are shown additional strategies for success. Materials have practical applications for students and support development of reading comprehension, communication and other occupational skills. Students may also be required to create their own brief texts. This course is part of a sequence designed for students who may transition directly into the world of work, pursue further training/courses or pursue other opportunities that may not require post-secondary education.
Grade 10 – Mathematics
Mathematics 10C students determine the surface area and volume of 3-D objects and use trigonometric ratios to solve problems involving right triangles. They simplify expressions that involve powers with integral and rational exponents and simplify or factor polynomial expressions. At this level, students also analyze linear relations, solve systems of linear equations and solve problems related to both of these sets of skills.
Mathematics 10-3: Mathematics 10-3 students solve linear and area measurement problems of 2-D shapes and 3-D objects using SI and imperial units. They use spatial reasoning to solve puzzles; solve problems involving right triangles and angles; solve unit pricing, currency exchange and income problems; and manipulate formulas to solve problems. They also use scale factors and parallel and perpendicular lines to solve problems.
Knowledge and employability Mathematics 10-4: Knowledge and Employability Mathematics 10-4 students solve everyday problems involving numbers and percents; explore patterns, variables, expressions and equations to solve problems; and solve problems involving estimation, measurement and comparison of objects. Students use visualization and symmetry to explore objects, shapes, patterns and designs; develop and apply a plan to collect, display and analyze data and information; and connect mathematical ideas to their everyday lives. Students who have experienced challenges or difficulty with their skills will be provided with additional strategies for success in the Knowledge and Employability -4 course sequence.
Grade 10 – Physical Education (PE)
Lighthouse students take part in various activities that will help them to lead a healthy, active lifestyle. They will grow to appreciate the importance of physical activity, while discovering essential life skills, such as cooperation, leadership, fair play and teamwork. Lighthouse has shaded artificial football pitch and shaded basketball court. More information
Grade 10 – Science
What happened to that energy? Science 10 students are introduced to the biological, chemical, physical and Earth sciences. By studying chemical reactions, cellular and multicellular processes that occur in plants, the conservation and conversion of energy, and Earth’s climate, they discover how energy is transformed.
How can we conserve energy? Science 14 students learn about the atom, the periodic table and the safe handling of chemicals. They investigate how energy is transferred in machines, and they examine the digestive and circulatory systems, including ways to keep these systems healthy. Students also explore how human activities influence the flow of matter and energy in the biosphere..
Knowledge and employability Science 10-4: What should I do to keep my body healthy? In Knowledge and Employability Science 10-4, students explore the digestive and circulatory systems of the human body. They investigate common chemicals used at home and in the workplace, and how to safely handle them. Students discover how force and heat energy are transferred in technologies they use in their daily lives, and they ask questions about how human activities affect the natural world. Students who have experienced challenges or difficulty with their skills will be provided with additional strategies for success in the Knowledge and Employability -4 course sequence.
Grade 10 – Social Studies
What is globalization and how does it affect us? Social Studies 10-1 students explore the changing meaning of identity and citizenship in a globalizing world, while also understanding the impacts of globalization, both positive and negative, on people worldwide.
What is globalization and how does it impact me? Social Studies 10-2 students explore the history and effects of globalization. They develop an understanding of the impact that globalization has on people’s identity and citizenship, while addressing emerging issues that globalization presents.
Knowledge and employability Social Studies 10-4 What is globalization and how does it affect me? Knowledge and Employability Social Studies 10-4 students will look at the history of globalization and understand various viewpoints on the effects that globalization has on individuals, local communities and the world as a whole. Students who have experienced challenges or difficulty with their skills will be provided with additional strategies for success in the Knowledge and Employability -4 course sequence.
Our program is modeled after the Alberta Education program offered through Hope Christian School – interested to learn more, please follow this link: More information
Learning is assessed using a variety of tools and strategies within the classroom. The different assessment methods tell you and your child’s teachers about your child’s strengths, the areas in which they might grow and how well your child is doing throughout their courses. Your child’s teachers can then change or refine their teaching plans to ensure that learning activities better meet the needs of your child. At the end of each course, your child is assessed and their achievement is reported so that you know if they have achieved the expected learning outcomes for their grade.
After School Activities
Lighthouse is continually growing and developing after school extra curricular activities. Extra study / grade options:
ELS English Language Support – 2 lessons per week
IGCSE History
IGCSE Physics
IGCSE Biology
Maths Support
Coding class (beginner / middle / advanced)
May Thai Boxing / Fitness
Guitar / Ukelele
Further Resources
A variety of digital and print resources, developed by publishers, Alberta Education or Alberta teachers, are available to help students learn. Teachers may select, and bring into the classroom, numerous innovative and creative resources to create rich learning experiences for your child. To learn more about the resources, visit the website.