Grade 7-8 Curriculum
Primary to High School Lower Program – Ages 12-13 years
Personalized learning and mixed-age classes with continuous assessment of progress leading to a Thailand MOE high school Diploma through Lighthouse International School and an Alberta high school diploma through Hope Christian School which is a part of the the Prairie Land District in Alberta. Canada consistently ranks among the top three countries for education worldwide. Holistic, high-standard education is perfectly adapted to the new internet-driven world, focusing on a passion for learning, project work, problem-solving, and collaboration.
Grade 7 – Junior High (Lower Secondary)
Grade 7 – English Language Arts
Students extend their understanding of the English language by express ideas in different ways such as through magazine ads or brochures. They analyse
– how storylines progress
– considering settings and characters
– create notes using headings, subheadings or symbols
Grade 7 – Mathematics
Statistics, divisibility rules, solve problems involving percent, and add and subtract integers. Understand subtract fractions and mixed numbers. Model and solve one and two-step equations, and solve problems involving area. They will understand the mean, median and mode for a set of data and create and interpret circle graphs.
Grade 7 – Physical Education (PE)
Range of activities including football, basketball, rock climbing that will help them to lead a healthy, active lifestyle. They will discover essential life skills, such as cooperation, leadership, fair play and teamwork.
Grade 7 – Science
Heat and temperature. Study of energy, matter and forces and analyse and communicate understandings of Earth and its ecosystems. Grade 7 focuses on the science and technology related knowledge and skills your child needs in order to solve problems and make decisions about social and environmental issues.
Grade 7 – Social Studies
How has Canada changed over time? What kinds of changes have there been and why? Your child will explore the people and events that led to Canadian Confederation, and the major changes in Canadian life since then that have shaped citisenship and identity in our diverse society.
Grade 8 – Junior High (Lower Secondary)
Grade 8 – English Language Arts
Analyse ends with –lyse, so paralyse, which sounds similar, likely ends the same way! Students will study and create their own texts, including oral, print and visual texts, as they develop listening and speaking, reading and writing, viewing and representing, and inquiry and research skills.
Grade 8 – Mathematics
Understanding ratios, rates and proportions. Lighthouse students will understand perfect squares and square roots, and solve problems involving percentages, rates, ratios and proportions. They will multiply and divide positive fractions, mixed numbers and integers. Students will solve problems involving the Pythagorean theorem, surface area, volume and probability of independent events.
Grade 8 – Physical Education (PE)
Lighthouse students take part in various activities that will help them to lead a healthy, active lifestyle. They will grow to appreciate the importance of physical activity, while discovering essential life skills, such as cooperation, leadership, fair play and teamwork. Lighthouse has shaded artificial football pitch and shaded basketball court.
Grade 8 – Science
How do hydraulics and fluids work and why do we have an epiglottis? Students apply this Grade 8 Science vocabulary as they investigate machines and the human body down to cellular level. They experiment with liquids and gasses to interpret their uses in everyday situations, and they learn how light travels through different materials and how vision works. Also covered are Freshwater and Saltwater Systems.
Grade 8 – Social Studies
How do people in different societies view the world and influence each other? Contact between societies that view the world in different ways has shaped our world. Through inquiry, Lighthouse students will reflect on their own worldview and assess the influence that the past has on the present. By examining historical examples drawn from Japan, Renaissance Europe and Spanish and Aztec societies, students will better understand how contact between societies can lead to change.
Grade 7 & 8 – Assessment
Learning is assessed using a variety of tools and strategies within the classroom. The different assessment methods tell you and your child’s teachers about your child’s strengths, the areas in which they might grow and how well your child is doing throughout their courses. Your child’s teachers can then change or refine their teaching plans to ensure that learning activities better meet the needs of your child. At the end of each course, your child is assessed and their achievement is reported so that you know if they have achieved the expected learning outcomes for their grade.
Our program is modeled after the Alberta Education program offered through Hope Christian School – interested to learn more, please follow this link: More information
After School Activities
Lighthouse is continually growing and developing after school extra curricular activities. Extra study / grade options:
- ELS English Language Support – 2 lessons per week
- IGCSE History
- IGCSE Physics
- IGCSE Biology
- Maths Support
- Coding class (beginner / middle / advanced)
- Football
- May Thai Boxing / Fitness
- Guitar / Ukelele
- Basketball
Further Resources
A variety of digital and print resources, developed by publishers, Alberta Education or Alberta teachers, are available to help students learn. Teachers may select, and bring into the classroom, numerous innovative and creative resources to create rich learning experiences for your child. To learn more about the resources, visit the website.