Primary Curriculum

Primary Program Overview

Grade 1-6 Age 5-11

Construct Knowledge – Not Passive Learning

We teach using constructivist approach, learners construct knowledge rather than just passively take in information. This builds deeper knowledge through hands-on learning experiences. Students communicate in more than one language, collaborate, and think critically.

Core Curriculum – Non Native Speakers Supported

Lighthouse has modeled our curriculum after the Alberta curriculum. The core Alberta Curriculum standard teaches Mathematics, English, Science, and Social Studies by a qualified international homeroom teacher in English with support for non-native speakers.

Small Class Sizes & Teaching Assistants

Generally primary Maximum class sizes currently are 20. Grade’s 1 & 2 have an additional teaching assistant.

Thai Language

Thai language programme for all students. Emphasis on spoken language. Start of the Thailand alphabet and script writing.

Other Subjects & Activities

Health & Wellness, Music and Art. Furthermore, we offer a forever expanding number of activities including Rock climbing, Basketball & Football

Extra English – After School

ELS English Language Support, ideal for children that speak 2 or more languages is offered after school. 2 lessons per week.


Core Study Areas

English Language

Grades 1 – 6 the new English language arts and literature, students will learn about reading fluency and comprehension, writing conventions and form, and oral language. Our program is modeled after Alberta Education, click here for More information


Grades 1 to 6 mathematics, students will learn about numbers and operations, measurement, geometry, algebra and statistics. Our program is modeled after Alberta Education, click here for More information

Physical education and wellness

Grades 1 to 6 Physical education and wellness, students will learn about active living, movement skill development, healthy relationships, nutrition, consent, human reproduction, puberty and financial literacy. Our program is modeled after Alberta Education, click here for More information


Grades 1 to 6 science curriculum, students will learn about matter, energy, Earth systems, living systems, space, computer science and scientific methods. Our program is modeled after Alberta Education, click here for More information

Social studies

Starting this fall, Alberta Education will meet with diverse education partners, teachers, multicultural organizations, Indigenous and francophone communities. Our program is modeled after Alberta Education, click here for More information