Student Admission Policy

Policy Owner:Admissions    
Applies to:All
Campus Applicability:Lighthouse International School Phuket.
Effective Date:18 September 2023
Prepared by:Mr. Stephan Meiring
Approved by:Mr. Daniel Skitch
Mr. David Fresch
Review Frequency:Annually
  • Applications are made through the Admissions Office.
  • Applications for admission to Lighthouse International School Phuket are accepted at any time during the academic year. Admission is open to students of all nationalities.
  • Application for admission at all levels requires the completion of the enrollment form, and admission is subject to the payment of the appropriate enrollment fee.
  • Students will be placed in their correct age group, apart from exceptional circumstances. The reasons for these exceptions must be in the best interests of the child’s education and require approval from the school principals.
  • Where doubt exists as to the reason for leaving a previous school, the Principal will contact the previous school prior to accepting the student.
  • Final approval for admission lies with the Thai School Director.
  • Four 1.5” x 2” recent color photographs of students.
  • Four 1.5” x 2” recent color photographs of parents.
  • A photocopy of the birth certificate.
  • An official copy of the previous year’s school report [ปพ.1].
  • A photocopy of the parents’ Identity card.
  • A photocopy of the parents’ house register.
  • Four 1.5” x 2” recent color photographs of students.
  • Four 1.5” x 2” recent color photographs of parents.
  • A photocopy of the student’s passport and visa.
  • A photocopy of the parents’ passport and visa.
  • A photocopy of the birth certificate
  • An official copy of the previous year’s school report.
  • A photocopy of the parents’ house register.

Primary Level: Grades 1 to 6 and Secondary Level: Grades 7 to 12

Admission requires a preliminary interview with the student by a member of our Admissions Office. There may also be a recommendation for prospective entrants to have an interview with a school principal.

This test is an essential step for us to place a child in the best situation for their learning and to determine what help they need the most. The result of the assessment will be kept for school record purposes. Parents will receive assessment feedback. The cost of the test is 2000 Thai Baht.

Where it is deemed that the applicant is likely to cause harm to our current students or disruption to the existing school ethos and organization, our policy is to give such students a second chance to continue their education.

However, it will be made clear to the applicant and their parents that we accept such students on a one-term probationary basis, and reserve the right to demand their removal at any time should patterns of behavior be unacceptable to us. The school may insist on a home-school agreement.

Annual Fee:

An annual fee of 20,000 THB for Grades 1 – 8 is payable upon enrollment. An annual fee of 50,000 THB for Grades 9 – 12 is payable upon enrollment. This fee includes breakfast, lunch, snacks, books, and one uniform. Additional uniforms can be purchased at the school office. Non-refundable.

Registration Fee:

A one-time fee of 40,000 THB is payable at registration. Non-refundable.


1,000 THB. This Group Insurance is compulsory for each child; it can only cover a maximum of 10,000 baht per incident/accident if it occurs on school grounds. Any additional costs have to be paid by the parents. The insurance can only be used three weeks after the application. Non-refundable.

(We, therefore, suggest obtaining personal health and accident insurance for your child.)

Tuition fees are required to be paid in advance on a monthly, term, or annual basis, covering the entire year. In the event of your child’s indefinite departure, please be aware that the full fee for the current month must be settled rather than a proportion based on the days attended.

Invoices will be issued on the 15th of each month, and all payments are expected to be completed by 4 pm on the 29th of the same month, at the latest.

This School receives no grant or sponsorship from any agency; hence its successful operation depends on the prompt receipt of school fees.

Families that opt for the monthly payment plan for tuition are not permitted to change to a termly or annual plan during the current academic year. However, they may adjust their payment method for the following academic year. Likewise, those who have chosen the termly payment plan are unable to switch to an annual plan during the school year, even if they attempt to prorate the annual tuition fee by the number of terms.

Term 1: Written withdrawal notice must be submitted 90 days before the first day of Term 1.
Term 2, 3, and 4: Written withdrawal notice must be submitted 45 days before the first day of each term.
Refunds are processed at the end of the school year.

A seven-day grace period will be given following the 29th of each month. Should invoices remain unpaid beyond this timeframe, a ‘200 THB/day late fee’ will be applied after the 7-day grace period. This fee will continue to accrue for each day the payment remains overdue after the specified due date.

If payment is not made, or no alternative arrangements have been made with our Finance Department, the child will not be allowed to attend school from the day after the account is due. This also means that any School Bus service will be suspended until the outstanding account is settled. The School will not issue any academic result, transcript, or any official report to the students.

Tuition fee refunds for unattended days, whether on a termly or annually-based schedule, can only be calculated and processed if a parent/guardian notifies the school office at least 30 days prior to the student’s departure. Any amount of days attended within a month will be considered as one full month for fee calculation purposes. Please note that monthly-based tuition fees remain nonrefundable and will not be eligible for reimbursement.

For cases where a student is excluded from the school, NO refund will be given.


Early Bird Discount Offer for Tuition Fees

Pay your tuition fees before April 30, 2024, and receive the following discounts:

Yearly Payment Mode: Get a total of 16.5% Early Bird Discount on the tuition fee only.

Termly Payment Mode: Get a total of 7.2% Early Bird Discount for each term’s tuition fee only.

Payment of all fees is required before a student is officially assigned to a class. Unattended days will be calculated and refunded accordingly only if a parent/guardian informs the office 30 days before the student leaves the school. The monthly tuition fee is nonrefundable regardless of how many days the child attended the school.

Other Discount:

If a parent opts to pay after the Early Bird Discount period, they will be eligible for a 5% discount with the Termly Payment Mode and a 10% discount with the Yearly Payment Mode.

Sibling Discounts

A 5% reduction in school fees is available for additional siblings receiving education concurrently. Specifically, the sibling discount is structured so that the oldest student in the family is charged the full standard fee, while each subsequent sibling receives a 5% discount on their respective tuition fees.

  • Company Name: Lighthouse Phuket Co. LTD
  • Bank Name: Kasikorn Bank (KBank)
  • Bank Account Number: 105 – 162 – 4668
  • Company Name: Canadian Excel Group (2022) Co. Ltd
  • Bank Name: Siam Commercial (SCB)
  • Bank Account Number: 737 – 275397 – 5
Approved by:
Mr. Daniel SkitchMr. David Fresch

Chairman of the Board

Board Member